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No Bozo this Bojo, but...


A light-hearted, tongue in cheek view of the situation the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom finds himself in. Some facts and some play on words thrown in.

No 'Bozo' this BoJo, but...
A Gray’s Anatomy may be on many minds over the next 24 hrs in the UK. A very respected Civil Servant Sue Gray’s report on a curious anomaly.  The parties that were organized in/by No 10, Downing Street, the official residence cum executive office of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
Details of the anatomy of these parties may not be available for the public, but Gray’s summary views on whether the #PM Mr #borisjohnson could be held guilty (of not following his own government’s policies) are awaited.
The BYOB (Bring Your Own Booze) parties with cheese & wine organized by BoJo or those close to him, with or without his 'ok' since 2020 have raised hackles in the public eye. Rules that prevented citizens from attending funerals of close ones or visiting dear ones on their death-bed seemed only for the ruled. The brazenness of having informal/ unnecessary gatherings at the
time of this pandemic when his own government has issued strict orders defeats reason may also cast aspersions of the sagacity of the Leadership.
One also recollects an insightful article written when BoJo staked his claim for PMship or slightly earlier. Boris threw his weight behind Brexit, when it was not very clear which way the impending referendum would head. It captured the shrewd politician that
Boris was/ is, with no personal ideological pull either for or against Brexit.
At the Nth minute, he uncannily chose the path where the track forked towards Brexit, the path that led him to 10, Downing Street and governance of the UK. Thus, even in uncharitable moods, his opponents may not claim BoJo a Bozo!.
But as is often the case, no man, even no Prime Minister (however politically astute) is a hero to his valet. Persons down below could as well have been making their own rules, with impunity, sending
invites for the parties. He may not even have been able to deny this team his presence for a few minutes at least.
As many married Leaders (male) already know and some slowly realize, the authority stops at the door step. The PM may still hope to exert some influence over China’s approach to Hong Kong, but there would be enough minions, arms akimbo, telling their Boss (or the Lady of the House telling the husband), ‘Your authority stands quarantined at the entrance’.  The husband may still Carrie his modern wife across the threshold, but not much of his traditional MCP attitude.
Being a powerful man in the country is one thing, but often those around can make or break the situation. For BoJo, the BYOB, may well also have descended into ‘Be Your Own Bozo’, helplessly seeing Men Fridays running riot, nibbling Cheese or sipping Wine. Few PMs at 10, Downing Street, can claim to have the control an erstwhile ‘Iron Lady’ had.

There do not seem many strong competitors to Boris and he could still save the situation, but this Johnson has only himself if at all to blame and not whine, ’Who Moved My Cheese?’

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